There are 6 groups involved in VIVA Presentation.. we must present 6 over 10 elements to the class from our first assignments. It is a very serious matter and we had been asked to prepared before we present in front of the class. At first day of presentation, our lecturer kind of upset with all of our different attitudes. Some of the students does not show up at that day, some of them coming late to the class included me (hehe..sorry sir) , and some does not well-organize with their slides and handout. But, for the second day, i think all of them success being on time to the lab.
Among all of the 6 groups that had been presented, i prefer the group consists of Munifah Alwi, Nurul Atiqah and Noorazira Adnan. The group had show good effort in presenting their points to the class compared to other groups. Munifah Alwi managed to answer all of the questions clearly and logically. She also had a good communication skills, the eye-contact with the audience and she have a good voice projection.

In the nutshell, i satisfied with my presentation! I love this VIVA PRESENTATION because i manage to answered all of the question given by the judges! i hope Mr. Kamaraziz also satisfied with my performance and also the rest of 4B's students.
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