Animal Farm is a classic work by George Orwell and a noted piece of literature, which, of course, may help the reader to catapult the imagination beyond the horizons of dogmatic adherence to idealistic or Utopian thoughts. It however, represents human characteristics in an analogy of animal instincts, but it really gives insight into the Russian Revolution of 1917.
after i watch the movies i had identified the themes in the movies.... there are:
theme of power: leadership and corruptions
That power corrupts is an inevitable conclusion of Animal Farm. When the pigs take over they claim that their goal is to preside over a farm of equal animals, all working together to support one another. Yet power quickly proves to be too much for a pig. Small privileges quickly bloom into full-scale corruption, and the pigs begin more and more to resemble those whom they claim to replace.
cunning and cleverness
At the very beginning of Animal Farm, it is easy to laugh at Squealer’s professed ability to "turn black into white". Yet as time goes on, it becomes clear that Squealer’s cleverness can be used in very harmful ways. The pigs take advantage of the other animals’ lack of intelligence, and gradually brainwash, deceive, distract, and dupe them into a life of hardship and toil as short and miserable as their life before the Rebellion.
rules and order
Rules are often thought of as a way to maintain generally accepted notions of order. Traditions might be thought of as a way of remembering one’s debt to the past, of re-affirming one’s values. Yet in Animal Farm, both function mainly as political tools. The commandments and the traditions set up immediately after the Rebellion are meant to unite and energize the animals. Yet both rules and traditions prove malleable (easily changeable), and the animals can't that these customs are being used to deceive and take advantage of them.
Violence in Animal Farm is a tool of political oppression. Not only do we see actual violence used to kill and to exile enemies of the leadership, but equally important is the threat of violence. If any animal rebels or questions the pigs’ leadership, he or she can expect to face violence as a punishment.
at first, i just watch the movies without thinking anything of hidden aspects which what actually George Orwell want to tell the viewers. after i've been told by my lecturer, Sir Kamaraziz which the main agenda in the movies is all about our country political systems! and guess what, i've found one interesting article about ANIMAL FARM which had been related to one of the party in our country. http://aliran.com/2855.html try to look at the article about it. i think the writer had done a good work in describing people and relate it with most of the character in ANIMAL FARM movies!
overall, i think the movie is a great movie and i really enjoy it..!! thanks to my lecturer because he had exposed this movies to me. if not, i had no idea about this movies can be related to the political system!! at least i learn something which we cannot just watch a movies without thinking! we should think and try to find, why they made that movies, what is the real agenda of the director of the movie and many more.
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