2. Jews pray facing Jerusalem; Muslims face Mecca. If they are between the two cities, Muslims pray facing Mecca, with their backs to Jerusalem.
3. Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in the Bible, but not once is it mentioned in the al-Qur'an
4. Israeli troupe of folk dancers, invited on the behalf of the liberal Jewish community,came on the stage they were attacked by approximately 30 stone-throwing Arabic and Turkish teens between the ages of 12-16 who shouted: “Jews out”.
5. There are 22 Arab countries (with 800 times the land mass of Israel), not counting the Palestinian territories. There is only one Jewish state. Arabs started all five wars against Israel, and lost every one of them.
6. In 1948, Arab leaders urged their people to leave, promising to cleanse the land of Jewish presence—some 70% of them fled without ever being ordered by Israel to leave, most of those without ever having seen an Israeli soldier.
7. the Jews dislike Prophet Muhammad, they just don't believe in him.
8. most Jews think that Muslims believe they will be rewarded if Muslims kill Jews
9. the false media that tells Jews that muslim hate them want to destroy them(confusing their past conflict with Arabs with current and past conflict with palestinians with their relation with the whole Muslim world!)
10. the jews have suffered a lot in their history from the Europeans that they are now acting aggressively in general, and because all those false excripts and mistranslations and out of context quotes from the al-Quran .
In my opinion, the Jews should be considered and more have the heart of humanism!!! come on JEWISH!!! what pass let it pass..please be matured and think locally!! don't act like a kids with no brain..!! STOP EVERYTHING!!! YOU WILL MAKE THE WORLD HATE YOU!!! Furthermore, the media plays an important role!! one of the reason above involved the media which one of the factors why the Jews hate Muslim!! stop published something that will cause conflict, racist and etc. !!!
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May Allah destroy you filth (poster up above)
To original poster- monitor your comments and delete as appropriate, these filth have no hearts, I only wish bad for them.
Muslims be patients dont say anything to them...They dont know anything about our peaceful religion Islam.
Allah knows better in future what will happen and request you all who give comment here please dont use abuse language or anything else about Islam.
everybody respect their religion.. Jaza kallah!!!
Muhammad - piss be upon him :D
" The jews are the peoples who were living in Islamic countries and nations since when the other nations and peoples hated them, the Roman and Christian persecuted them, The jews were not allowed to enter into the city of Jerusalem in the Roman and later in the Christian Era, but it were muslims who allowed them in Jerusalem, The III rd Caliph Hz. Umar Bin Khattab (RA) and Sultan Salahoddin Ayyubi allowed them to worship in jerusalem, and the Jews were living a prosperous life in the islamic Empire, the turks treated them with nicely, and the Jews flourished in Islamic era, they learned science, medicine, engineering in Islamic Era only, but at last in the beginning of 20 th century Muslims and Jews became victims of the British conspiracy and Muslims started hating them for the small piece of land".
The Land which According to Quran "was for the Jews".
Perhaps This is One of the the biggest mistake of Muslims.
The peoples who had persecuted the jews since millenia became their friends, took hold of their scientific knowledge, developed atomic energy from
the scientific research of jewish scientists, and the peoples who had given the jews shelter for one thousand years in islamic countries became their enemies, this is biggest conspiracy against muslims and jews together.
The British and the Americans and their Christian allies identified the jewish scientists very early and sided with them covertly and sewed the seed of hatred in the hearts of these two children of Abraham.
The peoples who helped and sheltered the helpless Jews for complete one thousand years in Islamic Empire and the Jews who lived in the Islamic countries fell prey to the satanic conspiracy, now Arab muslims and Israeli Jews are fighting each other because they both have same DNA and brains, they could not realize the conspiracy behind this sewn hatred, the Jewish scientific knowledge has been Stolen and looted by the satanic European allies, and the allies realized the fact, that if muslims and jews who had been favoured and obliged by the muslims became friends then the new atomic knowledge will pass to the ottoman empire and then the ottomans will once again become invincible.
But muslims and Jews both did not realize the satanic conspiracy and for a piece of land both parties became enemies of each other, the jews had never seen any land since millenia, so they became obsessed even for a very small piece of land and the muslims other hand think at that time that the British are the real friends of Muslims and Islam.
The peoples who Sheltered in difficult times became enemy and those peoples who persecuted the Jews stollen the Fruits of science and technology from the hands of the jews.
The jews, other hand became happy with a torn apart and small piece of land, the example of the jews is just like an infant who becomes quiet when somebody inserts a honey nipple (Pacifier) in his mouth.
And this mistake of Muslims is now became Nasoor of Ummate Rasool Allah (SM), this mistake is the root cause of every cause and problem of muslims, the British sowed a poisonous seed in the heart of Muslims, and now every blame of terrorism and every bad thing is the result of this poisonous seed or its germination."
Now every act of terrorism and every bad thing is created by the enemies of Islam and blamed on muslims, because muslims and jews are enemies, so they can do it.
The present time is not for hatred and enemity, but the present time is to realize the conspiracy and the present time is for peace and justice.
We must forgive each other and we must remember the favors and we must live with wise thinking and in friendship and with confidence.
Now we must realize it, and we must understand it.
Engg. Ishrat Hussain Mohammad.
who are Jews?
We know the below four major religions of world.
1. Christianity
2. Islam
3. Buddhism
4. Hinduism
Who are this Jews? Do we have to really think about this small group so much?
They have the dirty habit of fingering other communities. They will continue to do so …to some time. But when focus starts turning back on them. History exists the difficult time’s they have gone through. And no doughty will taste the same in future. No matter you control Banking system, Governments or Nukes.
Intellectual Jews keep rolling …..!!
Why do people have to use such disgusting language about hazrat muhammed (saw) and the Quran?
they hold a very important role in the muslim religion so people need to show some respect please. I find it very offensive for someone to say such disgrace things. I don't think anyone would like it if they were to read such inappropriate comments about their religion. So please learn some respect.
“ … If anyone slew a person unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land it would be as if he slew the whole humanity: and if anyone saved a life it would be as if he saved the life of the whole humanity.” (Al-Qur'an 5:32)
that was just an example of what the Quran teaches for those who comment rubbish about us without knowing what we believe. Muslim or non muslim, murdering an innocent life is wrong. Muslim or non muslim saving a life is a lot of reward.
this is the same teaching the prophet was spreading and you lot were commenting junk about him and the very same book it was written in!
Micheal h hart was not muslim to comment on allah ( swt )'s last messenger.. as the most influential person in the history n of all time as well.. may allah ( swt ) give hidayath to those who spoke ill abt islam n prophet..
Your thoughts here are real dribble. You don't know history, and therefore your words are un- educated nonsense! I'm sorry that I must make you aware of your condition.
Respect our religion please!so that we show respect to your beliefs,what do you actually get by talking ill about our Islam n Prophet!please!.....it hurts.
Agree with you
My opinion is go straight to god this religion thing hasn't worked for human maybe then we won't have this constant hating problem.......
Can Jews and Muslims hug each other and stop the war, god never learn us to hate on people who have different religion,we are brother and sister, we should love each other not killing each other, Muslims please stop hate on Jews and make a blog about Jews and write about how Jews hate Muslims, And for Jews can u stop hate on Muslims what are you doing? If you mocking Muslims then you will start a war, and i don't care I stand for Muslims or jews, I just want this world is peace and there's no "people die because they're Jews" or "people die because they're Muslim" and I disagree for people who thinking that Muslims is terrorist, just think about it, if one white people killed someone it doesn't mean ALL WHITE PEOPLE IS A KILLER, and if one Muslim bomb a building, It doesn't mean ALL MUSLIMS IS A TERRORIST, stop hating each other please..
Muslims you're saying Islam is a peaceful religion.... Yes you're right ..
What Isis is doing is representing peacefulness of Isla.
You plonker
Soon u burning in hell fire insha Allah.
Good point
Good point
may allah give them hidayah(guidance) and accept Islam .don't say bad things to them
Haters will burn in fire st.isa is the only positive leader right?
Asslamu alekum
Allah u akbar. the only mighty and powerful God
Peace be upon him prophet Muhammad
We are Muslim we respect quran and no Need to make ask other to respect our holy quaran or our holy prophet. our majority of Muslim love our Islam so plz don't abuse other none Muslim. Islam is spreading so nu abuse can stop spreading of Islam Muslim brothers why u forget when u say asslamu u alekum to the Jews that can't stand jazakallah
Allah and Mohammed was in gay relationship.
Jews make me sick
all My isalam brothers dont lose your iman talking to these people
Let them life their life
The judgement day shall reveal them the truth
I repeat with the same words as our beloved prophet replied to a man who cursed him.And that word is "wa'alaykum"(what ever you said be back to you).
May Allah (god) who created me and you guide me and you to the path of the righteous and success.
Beware.Death is approaching closer everyday.Turn to the truth before its too late.
Where do you think you would go.??death is there for you too.and for me too.leave alone the Jews and start thinking about your destination.
May Allah guide all of us and grant us Jannah.
I repeat with the same words as our beloved prophet replied to a man who cursed him.And that word is "wa'alaykum"(what ever you said be back to you).
May Allah (god) who created me and you guide me and you to the path of the righteous and success.
Beware.Death is approaching closer everyday.Turn to the truth
Assalamo Alaikum
Out of all the conversations, I have come to a point that everyone represent the way he's taught,the way he has learned. Comparing the comments of both the Muslims as well as jews,I find jews insulting the religion Islam, in a very obscene manner very explicitly.They are not missing a single opportunity to insult even Allah who's the One God,my God and your God. You can call Him Yahweh,or Allah or simply God. What difference does it make if the religion is followed on the same faith? The faith that we believe One God.
A believer is always humble...in his actions as well as speech. He make the other people learn from him. And the one who simply hates,is a non-believer even though he's born as a Jewish or a Muslim. If a religion spreads hatred,it is not the religion of the One God...it is a man made religion, which is making the world suffer.
I believe there are people in every religion and community who are never inclined towards their religion and their relationship with Almighty. Rather, they only raise the he'll and break the shit on each other in the name of religion.
A humble request, before being a Muslim or a Christian ar Jewish, first be a human being. Live and let live.Remove this hatred and allegation each other just on the basis of being born in a particular religion.
Think liberally,without any bias.Try to know....seek knowledge. Believe in Allah /Yahweh /God...but don't insult each other. Every body is the creation of God.He loves his people. Beware you don't start hating a person that God loves.
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