The article begins as Dr. Mahathir discussing the reasons of the poor examination performance of Malay students at a seminar in Kuala Lumpur in 1996 Dr. Mahathir told that heredity is one of the main factors that contribute to all kind of problem. He also said that heredity factor cannot be dismissed lightly. Mahathir explained there are four factors that contribute to social problem among the Malays. Firstly, Malay people do not believe in intermarriages because they prefer to remain purebred. By practicing intermarriages can various the bloods of the Malays descendant. Secondly, the Malays would rather marry own relatives. But Dr. Mahathir totally disagrees with this habit because it will lead to the poor characteristic of a child. Furthermore, Dr. Mahathir stated that the Malays are practicing early marriage. They do not realize that the young stage will give bad effect to the parents and the children because they are too young to have a family. Lastly, the Malays always hate of the status of celibacy. The way of the Malays think is conservative due to a person who remains unmarried will be considered as disgraceful.
The article, “The Influence of Heredity on the Malay Race” is an explanation essay. This essay talks about heredity is the main factors that contribute to the poor performance among the Malays. So, the increasing on social problem cannot be blame 100% on genetic.
In my opinion, this article is all about racism! As a great Prime Minister, he should not wrote something like this. This article will be give bad impact towards the Malays from other races. Even tough this article will change the Malays perception and attitude, but not all Malays can accept the changes. He also should not create other article which can provoked any conflict... but i still respect him as the GREATEST MALAYSIA PRIME MINISTER after TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN PUTRA AL-HAJ.. thanks BOTH DAD!!
Adolf Hitler, German political and military leader is considered to be 20th century most powerful dictator. He intended to create a new religion that installs him as the new Prophet.
The article begins as Adolf Hitler recalls back the history of Jews in the 14TH century. The Jews and The Muslims had been murdered and abused cruelly by the Spanish. However, 300 years the Spanish can smell of Muslims pretentions as Catholics but somehow they are still a Muslims. Hitler called the Jews as “pigs” because the Jews always get respected from the government. The Jews expert in hiding their feeling and they are the best liars. Furthermore, they are such a good pretenders. They will study about other people, after that when they were in their groups, they will expose their real attitude and they share among them on what they have learned. Hitler described the Jews as the “leaches” because they are hungry of power to control everything until they step on other people head after they used their wisdom and knowledge to achieve their goals. Lastly, Hitler warn people to beware of the Jews because they are good in acting such as being kind, generous also being honest. They might harm us if we believe them.
The article “The Jews and their Deceits” is an argumentative assay. According to the writer Adolf Hitler, the Jews have a very bad attitude that lead to a world war. Due to the article, Hitler was right.
In my opinion, this article no different with Tun Dr Mahathir article which it is a racism discrimination. Furthermore Hitler is the great influence dictator which the world wide know him. This article will raise a conflict to the race involved! even tough Hitler was on the Muslims side but the way he described the Jews is way too bad. We should be nice to people even tough that people doing something ugly to us. even in Al-Quran had mentioned about this. Let's people see us as a good person. Not a revenge hearted person!

The article begins as Paul Robinson explains about the value of television which requires two ways of learning process. People have to debate with their own mentality to think about what are usually the programs has provide to people. Television teaches people nothing by providing a very short or long period TV programs. There are plenty of TV stations supply education matters. But somehow Robinson said educational television TV is the worst TV thing. By watching television, many young teenagers wanted to follow their favourite celebrity in sort of the appearance, the way they talked and walked. Furthermore, people today like to convert some of famous TV programs to books. They are trying to say that even tough the reality show is providing nothing but at least they have change the reality TV show to a “good” book. Finally, the writer stated as television cannot educate people.
The article “The Value of Television” is an excerpt from an award winning essay by Paul Robinson. The genre of this article is an argumentative essay about television can educate or not. So, television is not more than entertaining.
To me, this article is hard to understand. But i managed to complete my assignment! (haha). Paul Robinson had done something good! This article will make people realize something and we have to make first move to avoid from spending so much time in front of television! Many researcher and fact had prove that TV is not more than entertaining. So people..!!! it is up to you...the choice is in your hand.......

This article begins as Kumi Naidoo interprets Steve Jobs commencement speech at Stanford University. The only thing that can be describing Steve Jobs is he just wanted to amaze people by his speech on that day. The purpose Kumi Naidoo criticize the speech is to awake people that Steve Jobs is only a sweet talker and a cruel businessman. He is the second version of Howard Hughes who always has crafty strategies. Kumi Naidoo exposed his opinion about what actually Steve Jobs means on his speech. Kumi Naidoo has taken four evidences to proof that Steve Jobs is not good person as people thought. Firstly, Kumi Naidoo paraphrase Steve Jobs words about he dropped out from the college was the best decision yet it is not. He thought that he is clever enough until he fell there is no need to go to college. Secondly, Steve Jobs want to say that he is important to everyone. Without him, Apple won’t be success as today. Next, Steve Jobs only want to prove to people that he never makes any mistakes and his own company has fired him because the boards of director have been influence by someone. Lastly, according to Steve Jobs, being a selfish is good. He always places the important things to clear up first. Due to the attitude, Steve Jobs has become a wealth and well-known man.
The article, “What Steve Jobs really meant to say” is an interpretation essay. According to Kumi Naidoo, Steve Job tried to amaze people with sweet words at Stanford University. Due to the article, Kumi Nadoo was right.
In my opinion, this article was awesome!! I really like this article! I also take this article to present on VIVA PRESENTATION DAY ! and the result, i managed to do well. Plus i also choose this article to be comment by my friend. I love when other people interprets someone speech which sometime reflect my attitude! (haha) but the way Kumi Naidoo express his word really makes me impressed! For my last assignment, i also search for the same genre as this article which is interpretation!
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