SYLLOGISM is the classic type of logic problem described originally by Aristotle. A syllogism requires a person to combine the information in two premises to decide if a particular conclusion is true, false, or indeterminate (cannot be determined from the premises). Syllogisms are generally easy when the premises coincide with concrete reality, but are more difficult when the premises are counterfactual (contradictions to reality).
When i had been exposed with syllogism, at first i can't really understand with this method! after a lot of practice and asking other friends about this and Alhamdullilah.. i managed to come out with my own syllogism! well, i think this method is a cunning method which most of the lawyer used it to argue in the court..overall, i would like to thank my lecturer because he introduced this new method which i can apply it in my daily life or in my MUET...thanks sir! and i really love the example that you've given..the Julius Caesar and Marcus Brutus.. i can't forget the moment when i be the giant ass to go in front of the class and read my syllogism! i'm as a Margarette senator! (haha) it's really fun!
MORE examples:
no lazy person passes exams,
Abu just pass his exam,
therefore, Abu is not a lazy person.
all birds have wings,
no human have wings,
therefore, no human are birds.
your sister is uglier than the Wicked Witch of the West,
you are uglier than your sister,
hence, you are uglier than the Wicked Witch of the West.
we cannot control the sun,
the sun controls the weather,
we cannot control the weather.
GOD is love,
love is blind,
Ray Charles is blind,
therefore, Ray Charles is God.

Mark Anthony give speech on Julius Caesar funeral
et thu buthe( you to my son..?)
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