Hurmmmm why do people believe in superstitious?? I think, people do have many reasons for being superstitious. For some, superstition is something that was passed down from their parents and their grandparents. The most likely explanation is that it gives a sense of control over the uncontrollable things in life. Some people might not be superstitious and feel that these beliefs are silly, but to those who truly believe in omens, and good or bad luck, following the unspoken rules of behavior is a way of life.
These are some examples of superstitious from different country…..
1. Japanese: Funeral car
Whenever a funeral car passes, you should hide your thumb. This is because thumb in Japan is called ''parent finger'' (''Oya yubi''), so they believe that if they don't hide their thumb their own parents will die soon.
2. Italians: No birds in the house
Italian believe that having birds in the house bring bad luck. Even the bird feathers, especially peacock feathers because it’s symbolize as “Evil” eye.
3. British: Black cat
It is lucky to meet a black cat. Black Cats are featured on many good luck greetings cards and birthday cards in England.
British people belief that it is lucky to touch a wood. if they touch or knock on wood, means to makes something comes true.
4. Germans: Step on Groom’s foot
During the wedding ceremony, the Groom may kneel on the hem (the edge a piece of cloth that has been folded over and sewn, especially on a piece of clothing) of the Bride's dress to symbolize his control over her. not to be outdone, the Bride may step on the Groom's foot when she rises to symbolize her power over him!
Hollow bread
If they found a hole in a loaf of bread you cut, it symbolized a coffin and meant that someone was soon to die.
5. Indians: Chillies and Lemons
Chillies and lemons are often hung os a talisman at the entrance of shops, houses and temples in India to ward off the "Evil" eye or ("drishti")

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